The phantom of the head pain
I hate migraines. Aside from the fact that they knock you down, they can knock you out for longer than expected. I was supposed to be getting a few miles in this week and preferably 6-7 today. Obviously this didn't happen or I wouldn't be complaining about it.
Thursday night I started in with an aura around 10:30. Seriously not a good sign since my migraines are usually in the early morning (3-4 am) or mid-afternoon (2-3pm). I was able to get sleep since there wasn't any pain, just light/touch sensitivity. That still sucks but I'll take it.
But you know darned well that if something is out of place, you know you're going to suffer in other ways. I've had a "mask" headache since. Think Phantom of the Opera right side of the face type of mask and you'll get where the pain and sensitivity is. And while it's not the pain of the "brain licker" that I usually get with my migraines, it does keep me from normal activities. Such as cleaning, running and oh yeah, sitting up.
So why am I writing about this? When I'm bitching about not doing my best next week, remind me to take it easy on myself because recovery is long thing okay?
On a happy note, Zevia fits in well with migraine recovery. I love ginger ale, hate the sugar/fake sugars (that stuff makes my migraines worse). I found Zevia ginger ale and have happiness. Now onto kicking this stuff...
Thursday night I started in with an aura around 10:30. Seriously not a good sign since my migraines are usually in the early morning (3-4 am) or mid-afternoon (2-3pm). I was able to get sleep since there wasn't any pain, just light/touch sensitivity. That still sucks but I'll take it.
But you know darned well that if something is out of place, you know you're going to suffer in other ways. I've had a "mask" headache since. Think Phantom of the Opera right side of the face type of mask and you'll get where the pain and sensitivity is. And while it's not the pain of the "brain licker" that I usually get with my migraines, it does keep me from normal activities. Such as cleaning, running and oh yeah, sitting up.
So why am I writing about this? When I'm bitching about not doing my best next week, remind me to take it easy on myself because recovery is long thing okay?
On a happy note, Zevia fits in well with migraine recovery. I love ginger ale, hate the sugar/fake sugars (that stuff makes my migraines worse). I found Zevia ginger ale and have happiness. Now onto kicking this stuff...
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